About Us

Board of directors

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Hello!, we are Positipp

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Knowledge and experience combined to bring balance to the HR management

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Rubén Arevalillo

More than 20 years of experience in consulting, business management and technology ( especially in HR) in companies such as PwC, Getronics, IBM, Everis as well as experience as co-founder of 3 companies in various sectors.

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Product Owner
Salvador de Tudela

Founding partner of hêdron HR, an HR consulting firm. More tan twenty years of experience in people management across different companies and industries.

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Rafael Bartolomé

Computer Engineer with expertise managing international projects, primarily in the Telco and IT sector at companies like Telefónica I+D, Ericsson, Tuenti and Telefónica Digital.

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Santiago Fernández

25 years of experience in HR consulting and technology at an international level. PwC Consulting, IBM, Gec / Grupo Hedima and Renfe. Leading projects that impact the bottom line through people.

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